About Turkmenistan
In this section you can find all necessary information you should know about Turkmenistan. Before visiting you may learn something about the geography, main cities and climate of Turkmenistan. In the section of Transport infrastructure, exhaustive data of all public types of transport, as well as information about airlines making regular flights to Ashgabat – capital of Turkmenistan.
Plan your trip according to national holidays in Turkmenistan. So you will have the opportunity to see the scope of celebrations and take part in them.
If you have any questions about obtaining a visa to Turkmenistan, use Visa information section, and if there are still unclear moments, please contact our staff, they will give you the maximum assistance.
In the section Embassies of Turkmenistan you can find contact information about the embassies of Turkmenistan around the world.
IN section Events you can read some interesting news about Turkmenistan.